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Hip Replacement Surgery in Ongole

Hip replacement or hip arthroplasty is a surgery which is done by orthopaedic surgeon in Ongole to replace the damaged hip joint with an artificial prosthetic. There are various reasons why one might need hip replacement, be it damage from arthritis or a fracture to the hip. The main aim of a total hip replacement surgery in Ongole is to restore functionality to the hips and to diminish the pain as well as ensure return to performing daily activities with ease. Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or injury arthritis, either of these could cause deterioration to the hip joint needing a surgery at best hospitals for hip replacement in Ongole.

The extent of pain that is seen before a person undergoes hip replacement are in few of the below scenarios:

  • Severe pain even after taking pain killers.
  • Unable to sleep due to pain.
  • Walking supportive equipment are also not helping.
  • Extremely painful to sit or stand.
  • Makes climbing few stairs also excruciating.
hip replacement in ongole

As with any surgery, there are certain risks associated with hip replacement surgery as well:

  • Blood Clots: Usually noticed in the veins of the legs post surgery. However blood thinners are prescribed to avoid this.
  • Infections: Incision site infection.
  • Fracture.
  • Dislocations.
  • Leg length difference: Very rarely does this complication occur and in the hands of an experienced surgeon, it does not occur.
  • Loosening of implants.
  • Nerve damage.

The most common age group seen to have undergone the hip replacement surgery are between the ages of 50-80, however young adults affected with arthritis as well as people above the age of 80 also have undergone this surgery successfully. High impact exercises must definitely be avoided after a hip replacement surgery.

Book an appointment for hip joint pain treatment in Ongole at accident emergency hospitals in Ongole.

Different types of Hip Replacement:

Total Hip Replacement:

In this kind of surgery the entire joint structure of the hip is replaced with an artificial joint. The head of the femur is replaced with a ball and the socket in the hip join with a cup.

Partial Hip Replacement:

In a partial hip replacement, only the ball of the femur head is replaced and the natural socket is left as it is in place.

Hip Re-surfacing:

This surgery is essentially done by orthopaedic specialist in Ongole to eliminate the pain caused by the wear and tear of the cartilage. In this surgery the damaged cartilage is neatly scraped off and a metal lining is placed to reduce the friction.

The type of implant that could be used depends on the extent of damage as well as your lifestyle. Our hip pain specialist in Ongole would have a thorough discussion before determining which implant is best suited.